Pig Feed in Bihar | Buy Quality Pig feed in Assam | Sonagoldagro

Pig Feed

Early Growth, Increased Income

Sona Gold is one of the leading names in Pig Feed Industry in India. Pigs, like humans, are omnivores and eat a wide variety of foods. Also like humans, they need a balanced diet of fiber, energy, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals to thrive.
The Cost of Pig Feed is one of the highest expenditure in the farming of pigs, so it always pays to get a good quality of feed for better profitability.

Sona Gold Pig Feeding Schedule

  • Age In Day Phase Feed/Day
    0-6 Milk
    7-13 Starter 10 gm
    14-20 Starter 30 gm
    21-27 Starter 40 gm
    28-34 Starter 200 gm
    35-41 Starter 400 gm
    42-48 Starter 600 gm
    49-55 Starter 800 gm
    56-62 Grower 900 gm
    63-69 Grower 1.1kg
    70-76 Grower 1.3kg
    77-83 Grower 1.6kg
    84-90 Grower 1.8kg
    91-97 Grower 2kg
    98-104 Grower 2.1kg
    105-111 Grower 2.2kg
    112-118 Grower 2.3kg
    119-125 Finisher 2.4kg
    126-132 Finisher 2.5kg
    133-170 Finisher 2.5kg

Our Top Product


| Pig Starter


  • Feed formulated for piglets from 7 to 55 days of age.
  • Enriched with fish protein and fat which helps in fast growth of younger piglets and increases the survival rate of the pigs.

Method of Feeding

  • Can be offered in dry pellet form or wet form according to age of the pig.
  • Pigs, like all animals, must have constant access to clean fresh drinking water. As well as tipping the trough to make a wallow, pigs will also stand in the water trough and wash their dirty faces in it, so it needs to be checked regularly.


  • It is a steam cooked feed so it free from bacteria, fungus and other harmful microbes.
  • Better digestibility so no loose motion.
  • Excellent growth of piglets.
  • Better feed conversion ratio (FCR).
  • Disease resistance and good health.
  • Better livability of the herd.
  • Optimize the milk production of sow that helps in the nourishment of piglets for about 3-5 weeks (until the piglets are weaned).
  • Piglets attain maturity at a very early age and are able to conceive within 5-6 month. Once fully grown, it can give birth to two litter in one year.

| Pig Grower


  • Feed formulated for Grower pigs from the age of 56 to 118days for male and female pig.
  • Helps in better meat formation.

Method of Feeding

  • Can be offered in dry pellet form or wet form according to age of the pig.
  • Pigs, like all animals, must have constant access to clean fresh drinking water. As well as tipping the trough to make a wallow, pigs will also stand in the water trough and wash their dirty faces in it, so it needs to be checked regularly.


  • It is a steam cooked feed so it free from bacteria, fungus and other harmful microbes.
  • Better digestibility so no loose motion.
  • Excellent growth of piglets.
  • Better feed conversion ratio (FCR).
  • Disease resistance and good health.
  • Better livability of the herd.
  • Optimize the milk production of sow that helps in the nourishment of piglets for about 3-5 weeks (until the piglets are weaned).
  • Piglets attain maturity at a very early age and are able to conceive within 5-6 month. Once fully grown, it can give birth to two litter in one year.

| Finisher Feed


  • Feed formulated for Grower pig above the age of 120 days.
  • Helps in early weight gain.

Method of Feeding

  • Can be offered in dry pellet form or wet form according to age of the pig.
  • Pigs, like all animals, must have constant access to clean fresh drinking water. As well as tipping the trough to make a wallow, pigs will also stand in the water trough and wash their dirty faces in it, so it needs to be checked regularly.


  • It is a steam cooked feed so it free from bacteria, fungus and other harmful microbes.
  • Better digestibility so no loose motion.
  • Excellent growth of piglets.
  • Better feed conversion ratio (FCR).
  • Disease resistance and good health.
  • Better livability of the herd.
  • Optimize the milk production of sow that helps in the nourishment of piglets for about 3-5 weeks (until the piglets are weaned).
  • Piglets attain maturity at a very early age and are able to conceive within 5-6 month. Once fully grown, it can give birth to two litter in one year.

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