Best cattle feed manufacturers in Bihar, Assam, Punjab, Haryana, UP | Sonagoldagro

Cattle Feed

More Milk, More Earning!

Sona Gold Agro-Chem Pvt. Ltd. has earned a significant name in Cattle Feed Industry of Haryana, Punjab, UP, Bihar, North India and North East India because of its commitment to offer the products with high standard of quality. The state of the art infrastructure and close monitoring of the production process helps in producing best Cattle feed in Bihar. The Company offers a wide range of products for all life stages of cow. The raw materials are purchased from reputed cattle feed manufacturers in bihar only after testing in the high tech lab and ensuring all quality parameters are met for producing highly balanced cattle feed. Apart from this, the company also organizes various sessions to provide technical solutions to the farmers from time to time.


  • Increased disease resistance and improved immunity
  • Prevents Lameness in cows and metabolic disease such as ketosis and mastitis.
  • Increase milk fat production (Condensed Milk).
  • Prepared according to National Standards.
  • Highly balanced feed supplemented with Khali, Rice Bran, DORB, mineral mixture, Salt and vitamins.

Our Top Products


| Calf Starter


  • Highly palatable and easily digestible for calves.
  • Nutritious and highly balanced diet for calves.
  • Prepared using new technology under expert supervision

| Sona Gold Heifer


  • Specially formulated diet supplemented with vitamins and mineral salts
  • Easily digestible with balanced amino acids.
  • Develops disease resistance and supplies high energy to the cow

Method of Feeding

  • 0.5 kg twice a day from 3 months to 6 months of age.
  • 0.75 Kg twice a day from 2 months to 6 months of age.
  • 1 kg twice a day for pregnant animals.
  • 0.75 Kg twice a day for empty animals


  • Increase in weight of the heifer along with growth of reproductive organs.
  • Ability to conceive in less time.
  • Protects the cow from repeat breeding.
  • Helps in achieving early puberty to get pregnant.
  • Healthy development of Embryo.

For which animal ?

Starting from age of 3 months till animals before calving.

"For non-milking cows as well."


| Sona Gold 5000


  • Highly Nutritious diet supplemented with Vitamine E and mineral salts.
  • Balanced diet for milking cows and buffalos.
  • Develops disease resistance and improves overall health of the cow.

Method of Feeding

  • 1 kg of Feed for 2.5 kg of cow milk.
  • 1kg of Feed for 2 Kg of buffalo milk.
  • 1 kg of Feed for body maintenance.
  • Out of the total, half of the feed to be given twice a day.


  • Produces more milk, milk fat and SNF.
  • Maintains body weight and body fat.
  • Good taste and appearance.

For which animal ?

The feed is used for animals which produce 11 to 20 liters of milk.


| Sona Gold 8000


  • Clean and balanced diet for cows and buffalos.
  • Healthy animal diet.
  • Diet rich in Vitamin E and minerals.

Method of Feeding

  • 1 kg of Feed for 2.5 kg of cow milk.
  • 1kg of Feed for 2 Kg of buffalo milk.
  • 1 kg of Feed for body maintenance.
  • Out of the total, half of the feed to be given twice a day.


  • For high milk production, milk fat and S.N.F
  • Maintain body weight and body fat.
  • Good taste and appearance.

For which animal ?

The feed is used for animals which produce more than 20 Liters of milk.


| Sona Gold 10000


  • Premium Product from the Sona Gold to cater to market needs.
  • Balanced and easily digestible diet
  • Clean feed fulfilling TDN requirements of cow and buffalo.
  • Balanced and high digestion diet
  • Feed supplemented with Bypass protein, Bypass fat, Vitamin E, AD-3, buffer and minerals.
  • Healthy animal diet.

Method of Feeding

  • 1 Kg of Feed for 2.5 kg of cow milk.
  • 1 kg of Feed for 2 kg of buffalo milk.
  • 1 kg of Feed given for body maintenance.
  • Out of the total, half of the feed to be given twice a day.


  • For increased milk production, milk fat and SNF.
  • Maintain body weight and body fat.
  • Good taste and appearance.

For which animal ?

The feed is used for animals which produce more than 25 liters of milk.

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